Encryption - dns-as.org

Encryption is nonexistent, and authentication mechanisms exist, but are criticized and haven’t received much adoption. Pioneered by the OpenBSD operating system circa 2008 , systems to tunnel DNS over a secure channel greatly improve DNS security. A Controversial Plan to Encrypt More of the Internet | WIRED Critics of DNS over HTTPS do recognize the irony of pushing for less encryption out of a desire to protect people when the security and cryptography communities overall take a hard line against DNS | Microsoft Azure Azure DNS Private Zones provides a simple, reliable, secure DNS service to manage and resolve names in a VNET without the need for you to create and manage custom DNS solution. This new capability allows you to use your own domain names, rather than the Azure-provided names available today, and provides name resolution for VM’s within a VNet How To Secure DNS with DNSCrypt - eSecurityPlanet.com

Before any specific DNS encryption solutions exist, there is always the generic VPN (virtual private network), which will encrypt not just DNS traffic, but all traffic on the wire. There are literally hundreds and thousands of different VPN products that can provide privacy beyond encrypted DNS traffic, so if overall privacy is your concern

Mar 20, 2018

Everyone's Encrypted DNS Plans are Worrying the Gov't

Mar 19, 2012 Check if your browser uses Secure DNS, DNSSEC, TLS 1.3 Apr 29, 2019 DNS Research @ Tsinghua DNS-over-Encryption (IMC '19) Lately, protocols to encrypt plaintext DNS have been proposed to tackle with its privacy concerns. Based on large-scale data, we provide an early view on the current status of DNS-over-Encryption. Specifically, we measure their deployment on open resolvers, performance compared to traditional DNS, and current usage