2019-12-2 · Modify Hosts File in Windows # On Windows, the full path to the file is c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts. The instructions below are valid for Windows 10 and Windows 8. Press the Windows key and type Notepad in the search field. Right-click on the Notepad icon and select Run as administrator. In Notepad, click File then Open.

How to Edit Hosts File in Windows 10 {100% Working} 2020-7-17 · If you are not good in using CMD and don’t know the proper way to allow admin access to command prompt, then this is the easy process for you to edit hosts file in Windows 10 or Windows 8.1. 1) On your computer, go to the Hosts file location, C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and right-click on it and open with notepad. How to Edit the HOSTS File in Windows - Lifewire 2019-11-15 · The Windows HOSTS file functions like a local copy of a DNS server, so knowing how to edit it might come in handy if you want to make custom domain redirects, block websites, or remove malicious entries set by malware.That said, you might run into permission errors and other problems when you make changes to this file in some versions of Windows. hosts文件位置、hosts文件是什么?hosts文件修复 …

filesystem - What is the use of /etc/hosts? - Ask Ubuntu

2020-7-17 · If you are not good in using CMD and don’t know the proper way to allow admin access to command prompt, then this is the easy process for you to edit hosts file in Windows 10 or Windows 8.1. 1) On your computer, go to the Hosts file location, C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc and right-click on it and open with notepad. How to Edit the HOSTS File in Windows - Lifewire

Windows的hosts文件位置_wangchaox123的博客 …

2019-12-15 · c:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\hosts Now you’ll be able to edit and save changes to your HOSTS file. To map a domain, simply add a line based on the examples in the HOSTS file. Hosts File in Windows 10: Location, Edit, Lock, Manage The Hosts file in Windows 10/8/7, is used to map hostnames to IP addresses.This Hosts file is located deep down in the Windows folder. It is a plain text file, and the size of the original default hosts文件配置_小白-CSDN博客_hosts文件配置