Once again, you need to select THE LAST IP address. That is the sender's IP. The example above shows an example server name & IP, just to give the ballpark of where to look. and what to look for. Also, the OP does not want to track the Gmail server nor the yahoo server.

Apr 11, 2013 · The web addresses used for SMTP servers are like “mail.servername.com” or “smtp.servername.com“. In order to send emails you need to configure the mail program using the SMTP server IP address. If you know the name of the SMTP server you can easily retrieve the SMTP server IP address by following the below steps:- Oct 05, 2019 · If you want to use an email client like Thunderbird or Outlook to send emails from your Gmail address, you need to enter the correct Gmail SMTP settings. While some email clients do this As per this, I can ascertain Google's general address ranges, however I can't seem to isolate the SMTP servers directly. Curiously, I made an inquiry to a VPN company at one point and they replied with all of the specific Gmail SMTP servers, but did not and would not explain how to ascertain these IP addresses. Mar 28, 2013 · While waiting for this mail IP blocking issue to get resolved, you could go ahead and still send mail via a Gmail account using your same email address, and more than likely because Google has such a wide range of IP addresses the odds of them also being blacklisted by the provider you’re trying to contact is less likely. Mar 02, 2020 · Step 4: Input the necessary information listed in the page of email settings for IP cameras. SMTP Server/ SMTP Port: Default SMTP server and port for the sender address is Gmail server and 465. You are free to change it accordingly if you use other emails.

free GMail & paid GSuite GMail use different servers; because when I run: sudo doveadm dump /home/vmail/acme.com/postmaster/Maildir | grep google.com it gives me addresses within the range. ARIN even has an API response for GOGL.

How to Remove Your IP Address from Gmail’s Blacklist Aug 30, 2017 GMail - IMAP, SMTP, POP3 Server Settings Apr 18, 2019

Apr 11, 2013 · The web addresses used for SMTP servers are like “mail.servername.com” or “smtp.servername.com“. In order to send emails you need to configure the mail program using the SMTP server IP address. If you know the name of the SMTP server you can easily retrieve the SMTP server IP address by following the below steps:-

How to Blacklist or Whitelist IP Addresses for Gmail Determining IP Addresses in Gmail. Whether you want to blacklist or whitelist a sender, the first step is to determine the mail server’s IP address. In Gmail, you can find … What Is My Email Server's IP Address? - Intermedia Mar 13, 2013 windows - IP address of the SMTP GMAIL - Stack Overflow