Google Public DNS are Secure. DNS servers are often target of large DOS and DDOS attacks who cause lot of issues around the world. Luckly, Google public DNS servers are way more secure than any local dns servers, they are constantly monitored and protected against common DNS attacks by using the best server protection and technologies like DNSSec, which always ensures the dns queries will be

Google Public DNS represents two servers with IP addresses for IPv4 – and is the primary DNS, is the secondary one. Google DNS service is free to use and can be used by anyone who has access to the Internet. You can use Google servers IP addresses as alternate DNS instead of such provided by your ISP with the Please note, for these steps, you should modify ONLY the bottom two fields stating “Use the following DNS server addresses”. Below are some public DNS servers. We recommend using either Google DNS or CloudFlare DNS. Prior to using the DNS servers, it is recommended to ensure these IP addresses are still in use. Google Public DNS:; 8 This will send a query to the DNS server to go fetch the IP address for 2. The DNS server that the client uses may not know the IP address. This can be your local Active Directory DNS server or your ISP DNS server. If it doesn’t know the IP address of the domain it will forward it on to the next DNS server. 3. Google DNS. Google has just recently launched their very own public DNS servers called "Google Public DNS". The idea behind Google's DNS servers is that they want to make the internet faster, safer, secure, and more reliable for all internet users. Enter a domain or IP address here: or or 2001:4860:4860::8888 Basically, a DNS server “Domain Name System” is a server which contains the collection of IP address with their corresponding hostname or shall I say the domains. DNS resolvers are used to resolve the IP addresses and domain names. It helps to translate web addresses (like to their IP addresses (like Dec 07, 2009 · DNS is what tells your browser (for instance) what IP address it wants when you give it a domain name (such as to look up, and anyone whose DNS server you use for such lookups can

Jul 20, 2020 · The DNS is the service that translates a domain name into an IP address where a website is hosted. Users can set up a specific DNS on the settings of their connection (on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc). Here how to set up the DNS. When a DNS Server resolves a domain name, a query travels from the web browser to a recursive DNS service.

May 08, 2020 · A DNS server is a computer server that contains a database of public IP addresses and their associated hostnames, and in most cases serves to resolve, or translate, those names to IP addresses as requested.

Name server (NS) records determine which servers will communicate DNS information for a domain. Generally, you have primary and secondary name server records for your domain. When using Google Cloud services, you may configure NS records that point to Google servers for DNS queries.

Jul 20, 2020 · The DNS is the service that translates a domain name into an IP address where a website is hosted. Users can set up a specific DNS on the settings of their connection (on mobile phones, tablets, laptops, etc). Here how to set up the DNS. When a DNS Server resolves a domain name, a query travels from the web browser to a recursive DNS service.