Jul 11, 2019

Building RPM packages as user This document explains how to build packages without root-access. This might be useful in case you have a build environment where different users need to build packages without interfering each other. How To Easily Build Linux Packages Using Fpm For Multiple Feb 21, 2017 The Spec File | Building and Modifying Source RPMs | InformIT Obsoletes—This lists packages that are obsoleted by this package. This is a more specific version of the Conflicts field. BuildRoot—This option instructs RPM to place files in a temporary directory during the install step. This is very useful when building packages for a distribution.

Building open source RPM packages on IBM AIX – Build Smart

(src.rpm). Install the rpm-build package (as root) and run rpmbuild (from your regular user account): # yum install rpm-build Run as root $ rpmbuild -ba ~/rpmbuild/SPECS/tree.spec Run as regular user account This results in a binary RPM and a source RPM in the RPMS and SRPMS subdirectories, respectively. 6. Sign the RPM: Signing an RPM requires that you create a public and private key pair RPM Packaging Guide The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a package management system that runs on Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora. RPM makes it easier for you to distribute, manage, and update software that you create for Red Hat Enterprise Linux, CentOS, and Fedora. Building RPM packages with rpmbuild, Koji, and GitLab-CI

How To Use FPM To Easily Create Packages in Multiple

Building Packages Locally with GBS | Tizen Docs A-2.rpm under ~/GBS-ROOT/ is used in package B building, instead of A-1.rpm in the remote repository. Based on the above working mechanism of the GBS build, the following rules must be followed for the gbs build command to guarantee the quality of the new build: Build your own syslog-ng RPM from patched Git sources on The source RPM is an RPM file that contains the source Tarball, patches, a sample configuration and the .spec file that controls package building. This is used as an input to build RPM packages for installation. I regularly build RPM packages from syslog-ng Git sources. How to create an rpm package - LinuxConfig.org Nov 22, 2018 HowTos/RebuildSRPM - CentOS Wiki