US Copyright Group — Lawsuits, DDoS, and Bomb Threats - Slashdot. Andorin writes "The US law firm of Dunlap, Grubb, & Weaver, otherwise known as the US Copyright Group, filed suit at the end of August against another 2,177 individuals for allegedly downloading and sharing the slasher film Cornered! (In total the USCG has now filed suit against over 16,200 indi

Protecting America's Ideas. America's intellectual energy has always kept us on the cutting edge of innovation and creativity. From original research to popular music, children's books to movie scripts, America' imaginative spirit is, I believe, stronger today than it has ever been. TheGZeus. Yeah, I’ve been predicting the fall of the USA within the 21st century since the late 20th. It took Rome a fair amount of time to recede to the Byzantine Empire (ironically less ‘Byzantine’ than when based out of Rome), then to shrink continually before finally falling… Then you need copyright to protect your assets and intellectual property rights. Unfortunately these days, plagarism is rife, and copyright is not something you can do without. Protect your work and protect yourself with official copyright registration & protection. About us We are an international team of legal experts, photographers, media people, designers, developers who all share the same ambition of ensuring photographers get their rightful payment for their work.

We use cookies, as most websites do, to help us improve our site and provide you with the best experience we can. The only cookies we use are those provided Google Analytics to help us track the use of the site - these store no personal information about the users of the site and are completely unobtrusive to your use of the internet and our site.

Nate Anderson Nate is the deputy editor at Ars Technica, where he oversees long-form feature content and writes about technology law and policy. He is the author of The Internet Police: How Crime

With more than 1,000 members nationwide and regional chapters in over a dozen major U.S. cities, CSUSA's mission is to promote and advance the study and understanding of copyright law and its role in fostering creativity and the arts, copyright industries, and the use and distribution of copyrighted materials through traditional and new media.

Feb 29, 2020 · The United States is a member of many treaties and conventions which deal with copyright and intellectual property laws so the scope of copyright protection available in foreign countries depends on the provisions outlined in those treaties as long as they are also available under that country’s law and practice. Aug 08, 2010 · Both sides are now looking to get the case dismissed – the difference being that Jeff wants it dismissed without prejudice, while the USCG group wants it dismissed with prejudice. We find that a bit strange Mr. Kowalski wants the case dismissed without prejudice, since that would means no more action can be brought against him. Aug 04, 2010 · In any event, the fact remains that generally well-intentioned individuals whose goal in life is not massive copyright infringement are often times caught up in the legal process. The laws that protect copyright, and the penalties associated, were never designed to prosecute the small time citizen. Sep 15, 2010 · A dedicated group of attorneys and technologists from around the U.S. defend Internet users against abuse by copyright trolls. Today, they wrote to the House Judiciary Committee with a warning about the CASE Act , a bill that would create a powerful new “small claims” tribunal at the U.S Otherwise, only an award of actual damages and profits is available to the copyright owner under federal copyright law. Although federal copyright law commonly provides basis for infringement claims, misuse of a copyright may, under the right circumstances, also give rise to causes of action under other statutes or the common law.